1900年10月1日, 夫人. 莉莉亚斯·拉姆齐·桑福德 塞内卡瀑布, New York founded the second private nondenominational pre-preparatory school in the United States. 它的名字叫《正规博彩平台》. 桑福德’s School for Boys” and was located in a mansion which Lillias 桑福德’s father had built called Rumsey Hall. 在它成立的第一年,有7名学生. 这是一所13岁以下男孩的“家庭学校”. 它的目的是为新的私立正规博彩平台的学生做准备, 其中许多是在过去15年里成立的.
1900年至1901年的录取目录描述了这个项目: “我们会非常小心地让家庭生活变得光明和幸福, 培养年轻男孩的崇高理想, 并以明智的方式控制他们,而不是采取严厉的措施."
在第一年里. 桑福德担任校长. W改变B. Wildman 1901年被聘为校长,直到1906年. Mr. Wildman was a classical scholar who in 1898 had graduated from Trinity College in Hartford, CT, 在班上名列前茅. 他是一个精力充沛、性格刚毅的年轻人.
在接下来的五年里. 怀尔德曼留在塞内卡瀑布镇,和琼斯太太一起工作. 桑福德制定了适合学校的课程, one which would establish Rumsey Hall's reputation in the eyes of prep school headmasters. Requirements for each of the school's five forms were carefully worked out and implemented. 最年轻的学生, “预备表格”内的表格, 被介绍推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜英语, mathematics and geography; Latin was added in the Ist Form, 工业机械制图, 和美国历史的第三种形式. In the IVth (and highest) Form students studied English composition and rhetoric, 散文文学, 代数, 拼写, 法语,西班牙语和拉丁语. 除了, 他们被要求学习礼仪, 正式的舞蹈, 和钢琴, 竖琴或小提琴. 还有一个体育项目, which included contests with Seneca Falls teams and other schools in the area.
The catalog for 1904-1905 lists 22 of "Our Boys," a half dozen or more were day students. Most of the boarders were from New York and there were three from Pennsylvania, 犹他州各一个, 阿拉巴马州, 马里兰州和北卡罗来纳州. 当奥. Wildman left Rumsey in the spring of 1906 for a teaching position at the Mackenzie School in Dobbs Ferry, NY, 拉姆齐的规模和声誉都很好.
1906年,夫人. 桑福德, 主任的头衔是谁, would profoundly influence the course of 拉姆齐霍尔学校 for the next forty three years. First, she moved the school from Seneca Falls, NY to Cornwall, CT, where it would remain until 1949. 她雇了 路易斯·亨利·舒特 作为校长,代替 沃尔特Wildman. 在奥. 舒特最长的校长任期, 从1906年到1941年服役, 入学人数已增至65人.
她建立的独特的工作关系. 桑福德先生. 舒特成为康沃尔拉姆齐霍尔学校的基石, 两位充满激情的教育家的化身,他们有着相同的愿景. Many traditions still survive today: a prize for Declamation has been a Rumsey standard since the earliest days and Track and Field Day has been a yearly event since 1912.
夫人. 桑福德于1940年去世. Her daughter-in-law, Helen Greves 桑福德, took over as Director until 1941. 舒特校长拒绝了购买学校的选择, 1941年,它落入了 约翰F. Schereschewsky老.他通常被称为“先生”. 雪利酒." Mr. 雪利酒 and his wife, Betty, came to Rumsey Hall from Suffield Academy, where he had been Headmaster.
雪利酒刚买下学校,第二次世界大战就爆发了. 当时这个国家正处于动荡之中. 雪莉离开拉姆齐庄园加入了海军两年. He served his tour of duty with the amphibious forces and commanded a landing craft during the Normandy invasion. 在此期间, 大卫·格里芬·巴尔, a devoted faculty member since 1914, was appointed interim Director of Rumsey Hall. 和夫人一起. 雪莉,他领导拉姆齐庄园,直到. 雪莉回来. Mr. 巴尔一直担任校长直到1956年. Carrying on the precepts developed by the School's early administrators, the 雪利酒s 和奥. Barr further defined and practiced the philosophy of educating the whole child. They are credited for first establishing the Effort List as a measure of students' success—a fundamental hallmark of a Rumsey Hall education even today.
在40年代末. 雪莉和先生. 巴尔发现他们面临着一个重大的决定. In 华盛顿,CT位于前罗姆福德男子学校的空校园, 战时苦难的受害者. A Washington consortium formed by several prominent citizens of the area was seeking a new occupant for the campus and they approached Mr. 雪莉,看看他是否会考虑把它作为拉姆齐霍尔的家.
这个空置的华盛顿校园有几个吸引人的地方. In Cornwall, limited space had always been an issue, preventing any further expansion of the School. 也, Rumsey Hall did not own the buildings it occupied and had to lease them from the town of Cornwall.
When the Washington consortium proposed to underwrite the cost of moving the School from Cornwall to Washington, Mr. 雪莉和董事会接受了这个提议. Rumsey Hall’s Class of 1948 was the last to be educated in Cornwall as the School headed for its third and final location.
1949-1950学年开始实行男女同校, with Rumsey Hall becoming one of the first schools of its kind to discontinue an all-male enrollment. New building projects continued through the 1950’s and 1960’s as the enrollment of the School steadily increased to 175 students.
1965年. 雪莉的儿子, 约翰F. Schereschewsky小. ’47成为了校长. 他和父亲一样毕业于哈佛大学. 雪莉小. eagerly embraced the Rumsey lifestyle as a teacher, coach, and administrator. 四年来,Mr. 雪莉老. 和奥. 雪莉小. 领导拉姆齐大厅作为主任和校长, 分别, bringing Rumsey Hall to unprecedented heights of enrollment and reputation.
他们的合作于1969年结束. 雪莉老. 他死于心脏病. 雪莉小. 接替他父亲担任主任. 路易斯·G. Magnoli, a teacher and administrator at Rumsey since 1957, was appointed Headmaster. Mr. 雪莉小. 和奥. Magnoli held firm to their beliefs in the value of a traditional education during the turbulent early 1970’s. 到1977年,这种信念, 再加上良好的领导, 为他们赢得了广泛的尊重和钦佩, 以及入学申请的复苏. 先生的英年早逝. 雪莉小. 在1977年的一次狩猎事故中,奥巴马去世了. Magnoli独自掌舵,他把这个职位做得很好.
Mr. 作为一名教师、教练和校长,Magnoli深受人们的喜爱. He oversaw the renovation of the Main House and construction of 新体育馆. 着眼于未来. Magnoli开设了一门计算机基础知识的必修课. He also instituted the advisor program wherein each student was assigned a faculty member as his or her permanent advisor. 从1957年到1985年,Mr. 木兰推荐全球十大博彩公司排行榜大厅生活的各个方面都扮演着不可或缺的角色.
Mr. Magnoli的继任者 托马斯·W. Farmen, preserved the traditions of Rumsey Hall while responding to the challenges of educating children in today’s world. Mr. 法曼于1974年来到拉姆齐霍尔,担任科学教师. He occupied several positions of responsibility before becoming Headmaster in 1985, 包括科学系主席, 体育主任和正规博彩平台安置主任. 在他的管理下, Rumsey Hall continued its tradition of providing a challenging program in a supportive, 家庭式的氛围. 1985年的入学人数为155人.
1995年,一个类似村庄的建筑方案被启动. 高中的庭院取代了原有的车道, the Dicke Family 图书馆 project was completed and a host of facility improvements were initiated. 1997年,J. 老西沃德·约翰逊. 美术 Center, Garassino Family Classroom Building and Satyavati Science Center were completed. In 1999 the School purchased 47 acres of adjacent property and a gift of 14 adjacent acres was given in honor of Rumsey’s Centennial. These two gifts doubled the size of the campus and inspired the creation of the current campus master plan.
Since 2000 the School has engaged in an ambitious program to improve its facilities, 包括建造丹麦W. 迪克家庭数学和科学大楼, 卡特勒小屋, 斯科特·埃文斯·塞伯特92年纪念球场和罗伊足球场. 康奈尔领域, Pavek Field and New Dorm field were rebuilt to accommodate the School’s growing enrollment. 麦克斯韦A. Sarofim